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Migrating react-native project to ReNative

ReNative supports react-native projects pretty much out of the box in terms of your application code

Due to variety of possibilities / complexity fo react-native projects (ie plugins, custom build scripts and so on) there might be some extra work required to reconnect existing plugins

Migration Guide

  1. Install rnv
  2. Create new project rnv new (pick @rnv/template-starter)
  3. Follow rest of the steps of new project installation.
  4. After first rnv run ... check out the codebase.

ReNative Project Folder Structure

For more information about the project structure, please visit this link.

The src/ folder contains the source content for your application. The initial structure of the src/ folder includes the following subfolders:

  • app: This folder contains the main files for your application.
  • entry: This folder allows you to configure the launch settings of your app. It is intended for advanced configuration and customization.
  • pages: This folder enables you to create individual pages for your application. It is only used for web development.

You are not restricted to the three specified folders. Within the src/ directory, you have the flexibility to create your own folders to organize styles, components, and any other necessary resources.

If you also installed some react native plugins in your project make sure to move them to ./renative.json config file under plugins object.

Renative uses standard react native plugins so plugin names will stay same!

ReNative does not utilize autolinking as React Native does. Therefore, it's important to manually move and configure packages in your renative.json file. Proper handle of dependencies:

  • Transfer the necessary packages to the renative.json file. For example:
    "plugins": {
    "react-native": {
    "version": "0.73.4",
    "source": "rnv"
  • If some dependencies do not have existing mappings in ReNative, you will need to implement them manually. For more information, please visit this link.

Update Project Configuration Files

When transferring your project, it's essential not to overlook updating your configuration files. This includes:

  • babel.config.js
  • tsconfig.json
  • next.config.js
  • react-native.config.js
  • And any other relevant configuration files

Ensuring these files are correctly configured will help avoid issues and ensure smooth operation of your project.

You can utilize ReNative's configuration methods to add your custom configurations. For example:

module.exports = withRNVRNConfig({
//custom configurations

By incorporating custom configurations in this manner, the basic ReNative configurations and your custom settings are merged and applied together when the app is run.

Common Errors

Resolving requestAnimationFrame Error in react-native-reanimated

ReferenceError: requestAnimationFrame is not defined

This error in react-native-reanimated has been addressed in this pull request (PR).


To resolve this issue, ensure you update react-native-reanimated to version 3.5.0 or higher.

Resolving Module Parse Error for react-native/Libraries/NewAppScreen

Module parse failed for react-native/Libraries/NewAppScreen

To fix this error, you need to remove or replace the Colors import from react-native/Libraries/NewAppScreen with an alternative.

  1. Remove the Colors import from react-native/Libraries/NewAppScreen in your code.
  2. Replace it with an alternative color import or define your own color scheme to use in its place.

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the module parse error and continue with your project.

if you have any issues you can always raise a question or a bug in